Tuesday, September 15, 2009

Still flying... will it ever end?

8:oopm En route to London

I love the feeling of nightime flying, especially over the water. Its both frightening and magical to me. The pitch black I view out the small airplane window sends shivers down my spine, which I contribute to the excitement over having no control. My imagination works as a stimulous for accomplishing my goals and yet it also is the main reason I get lazy and complacent about my life because it is easy to fall into daydreaming, or get wrapped up in a good book series that keeps me from living my life. I find that this flight is a great example of the latter. As much as I want to read up and study about how to be more equipped for this trip I continually get sucked up in an airline movie playing in front of me or staring out the window into a dark abyss, and letting my mind wander.

I'm yearning to get off this plane, stretch my legs and get out and do what I'm heading to Afrca to accomplish. I feel as if I'm still stuck back in a place where I don't know what's happening, what's to come. Clearly I should want to spend every waking moment getting ready for landing in Lodwar, so I can't figure out why this mental roadblock is still here- why I feel this resistence to educating myself on third-world mission trips, living with the poor or any of the other 5 or so books on these topics I have with me. Fear seems to be the most fitting answer. For me, my imagination runs rampant when I am fearing something - it forces my mind to want to run away from reality and escape to fiction.

Sometime during the neverending flight:

The advancements of our race sometimes catches me by surprise... for example, I'm sitting wrapped up in a comfy blanket, sipping wine while I'm flying 3400 feet up in the air and it's -56 degrees outside - all the while I'm watching our flight status on a mini-tv screen in front of me listening to Lady Gaga on an airline radio station. Weird.

Psalm 62.1-4

My soul finds rest in God alone.

my salvation comes from him.

He alone is my rock and my salvation;

He is my fortress, I will never be


How long will you assault a man?

would all of you throw him down -

this leaning wall, this tottering fence?

They fully intend to topple him

from his lofty place;

They take delight in lies.

With their mouths they bless,

But in their hearts they curse.

(one of the passages that caught my attention while I was searching for material to speak about at church on Sunday)

7:00AM London Time

The possibility of taking a bump on the way back home and exploring London gets me excited for the morning ahead. 10 minutes to landing in the UK!!

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