Thursday, September 17, 2009

Good Morning Kenya

8:00AM First morning in Kenya

Waking up this morning wasn't difficult as I wasn't ever really asleep I think. I put my running shoes on, asked where it was safe to run, chose to not go too far because I'm a little timid in Nairobi still and headed out on a morning jog. It was wonderful. I was able to see and hear birds I've never viewed before while running on the dirt road, passing various townspeople heading out for their days. The place we're staying is situated on the outer lines of the Kenya National Park, where we plan to visit today. Surrounded by trees, local plants and big houses I'm still not feeling as if I'm in Africa. I feel like we're still in this sheltered area away from the realities of Kenya and its people.

I've met some of the workers here this morning: Sammy who runs the security gate and wanted to race me, James who helps cook and likes to show me his mp3 music and Dorothy who helps with everything else. They all are so welcoming and willing to give me a few Swahili lessons. 1) Habari Ya Asabuhi = Good Morning 2) Msaada = help ( this one is very handy).

James calls me Jessica Simpson and I try hard to understand his accent as he asks me if Schwarzenegger is still our governor. Its amazing what they know about our politics and celebrtiy life and I still have no clue who the Kenyan president is. This will have to change. But right now its a lovely morning and I look forward to our adventure on the public bus as we head to the town center.

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