Tuesday, September 22, 2009

on our way

Sometime before 6AM Nairobi:

My friend woke up this morning at 4:45 determined to get in a run before we left. We woke the house up trying to get out because of all the security locks, which I feel was a poor way to start the day. When she returned she admitted how scared she was. She's a tough girl and has a pretty good sense of safety ... but this morning, on the route along Solanga Road, in Nairboi Kenya, she maybe pushed it too far. Running along in the pitch black in Africa created a need inside of her to search for worship songs to keep the thoughts, that freaked her out, at bay. It's so easy to revert to horror stories when you're already a bit terrified. When I'm alone in the dark I have recently found myself imagining the worst possible scenarios and I have to pray or sing to get my mind of those thoughts. I feel so bad that she was scared but it was probably a healthy dose of fear. We often times can be too careless with our lives because we live in a bubble that mythically protects us... Its good to question that bubble, to force ourselves to see the reality of the dangers around us. We don't need to block ourselves in to try and hide from the dangers, the opposite occurs I think... we begin to be more open to new surroundings when we give ourselves the opportunity and freedom to be scared. We admit to the fear and then we move forward. Its possible I might have read too much into her experience but it got me contemplating my own insecurities.

This morning we leave for Lodwar. A place repeatedly descreibed as extremely dry, dusty, and very very hot. One man went as far as warning us that they'll kill us for our water. We laughed at that notion, but a part of me laughed out of nervousness that there might be a bit of truth there. JR describes the people as comforting, as we are entering a small town where everyone knows each other and already knows who we are. I hope and pray for a calm and strong soul that is game for anything which might be thrown my way. I'm trying to clear my mind of any preconcieved notions, owning up to the fact that I'm completely ignorant to how these people live their lives and who they really are. I couldn't have gone with a better group for this journey though and I pray for our safe keeping.

It seems I'm praying alot.

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