Monday, September 28, 2009


6:50am Lodwar, Tues 1.9.09

We heard a camel in the night that we didn't recognize at first. It sounded hurt so we checked it out and it was all bound up... at the time we couldn't figure out why.

Slept well last night, tucked into my net covering the bed with the fan blowing on me to relieve me from the heat. No mosquitos and no spiders showing up yet so that's good, and woke up to a warm shower so my expectations so far are being exceeded. The water tank sits in the sun all day long so it stays warm throughout the night. The women who run this facility are all so pleasant and welcoming. Helen, one of the women who work the front desk, is from Kisumo, the village where Obama's dad is from. She's gone now, on vacation so we said our goodbyes and I'm taking her well wishes and love back to everyone in the US. It's a quiet and calm morning full of distant bird chiros and baby cries. The trees are the exact replica of every National Geographic picture I have ever seen of Africa. They have this windswept effect that makes me think of brushed watercolor paintings done by the guy on PBS.

We're heading to visit the orphans and their families today, bringing with us toys, necklaces and pictures for them. It will be another long day and I pray and hope for energy and excitement to fill me from start to finish. Thank you Lord for this gift of Africa.

Went to leave for the day and found out the camel was slaughtered.

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