Friday, October 9, 2009

The poster child

6:00pm Lodwar, 2.9.09 Wednesday

Arrived shortly after 6pm from our tour to all the 9 churchs the pastors took over/built up. Some churches vary from large structures to a single tree. Its amazing how the followers of each congregation will worship in whatever place they can find. Which made praying for new buildings a difficult thing to do... because I notice that these people don't need buildings to find God, they have already found a path to him without the flashiness we so often find here in America.

While I reflect on the day in the hammock I'm taken back into real time iwth the cries for food from the small children next to our cottage. They sing songs of Happy Birthday and Jesus Loves You to get whatever food we may have. They have learned through the past visitors that by entertaining they can possibly be rewarded. Rachel brought them a bag of trail mix and tried to individually give each child some but it escalated to the children reaching into the fence and trampling on each other. They got shoo'd away by their father.

I can't block the image of all the kids pushing against the grate, crying because the littles ones would get their food taken away. It's the perfect metaphor/example of what it looks like to give from the outside... where is the strength to continue when this is what is caused from it, the crushing of one another to get what's needed to survive. God is working in all of this, I just can't seem to find him easily sometimes.

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